Gyeon Shampoos, What's The Difference?

Gyeon, like many other brands offer multiple different shampoos all with different characteristics and purposes. This guide will explain what those differences are and hopefully help you to make an informed purchase.

Gyeon Q2M Bathe

Gyeon Q2M Bathe is a straight forward car shampoo. It is designed to safely wash your coated car without changing the beading or hydrophobic behaviour of your coating, wax or sealant. It produces a super slick, high suds solution to safely wash your car.

Concentration: 1:500
PH Level: 6
Sizes Available: 400ml, 1L & 4L

Gyeon Q2M Bathe Essence

Gyeon Q2M Bathe Essence is a fairly simple one to explain off the back of Q2M Bathe. It is essentially the same shampoo but a lot more concentrated. Yes, it costs a little more but in the long run this shampoo is much more economical.

Concentration: 1:2000
PH Level: 6
Sizes Available: 400ml & 1L

Gyeon Shampoos

Gyeon Q2M Bathe +

Gyeon Q2M Bathe + is where it takes a slight twist. I like to think of it as a modern day wash and wax, just replace the wax element with the same cutting edge SiO2 technology found in the Gyeon Coatings. It can be used as a stand alone product to quickly clean your vehicle and add some super hydrophobic protection, or it can be used on top of a previously coated vehicle to top it up. It doesn't produce anywhere near as much suds as Bathe or Bathe Essence but it is still just as slick and safe.

Concentration: 1:500
PH Level: 6
Sizes Available: 400ml & 1L

Gyeon Q2M Restart Wash

Gyeon Q2M Restart Wash takes yet another twist. It's a shampoo with added fallout remover! Yes you read that right. This shampoo will not only clean the dirt and grime but will also removed bonded iron fallout from the vehicle too, helping to deep clean the surface, breathing life back into your coatings.

Concentration: 1:500
PH Level: 6
Sizes Available: 400ml & 1L

Hopefully this guide will help you to select the suitable Gyeon Shampoo and if you have any further questions do not hesitate to Contact Us.